Thursday 31 May 2012

Full Body Shot

Hi guys!

I'm not sure if I promised this or not but I think I mentioned I'd post a few pics of the outfits I wear to work but not all because I think they'll get really boring. As you can see I wore ugg boots to work I remember saying I'd rather die than wear a pair of those in public but it's winter and really cold so I caved and bought them, they're really comfortable to wear during an eight to nine hour shift. I didn't really do anything exciting had to get some paperwork done and wasn't really in the mood to dress up and that's it, I can't wait until I get my first paycheck so I can do some shopping. Also I've been going through a non accessories stage right now I don't know why but I haven't really been in the mood to wear them.

Hope your week is going well.

Sunday 27 May 2012

Lunch Break Shenanigans

Hi Guys!

Sorry about the quality of the photo's as you can see I took them with my cell phone. So this is what my makeup looked like on yesterday and today (Saturday and Sunday) it's a pity that you can't see what the colour of the eye shadows actually look like but I had to make due with what I had during my break also florescent lighting sucks.

*Side note* I've been having a bad hair week and I don't what to do I think it must be the change of seasons.

Hope you all enjoyed your weekend.


Friday 25 May 2012

Short But Sweet

Hi guys

Okay quick post, a new product came into the store yesterday (body pigments) and we have to wear some of them tomorrow as to demonstrate some colour combo's, how to use them etc to the customers, then after a nine hour shift I'm going to watch men in black which I'm super excited about and hopefully if I'm not to exhausted I'll take some photo's of how my makeup looked.

Tuesday 22 May 2012

You're Talking About Curly Hair Again?

Hi guys!

So with my never ending search to find ways to style my curly hair to look for photo's for inspiration. I always stumble across a few pictures of girls rocking the curly look but non of them really style their hair e.g plaits, but after looking at tons of pictures I realized that unless I start experimenting with my hair, creating my own styles that looking and hoping to find a girl who styles her hair forever.

Okay maybe I'm being over dramatic about the whole thing but after a while I get bored with my hair. I really am loving my curly hair and want to love it and understand it more.

Love your hair guys no matter what, it's going to be with you for the rest of your life it'll show whether you're stressed or unhappy so treat it as you would like to be treated and all your hard work will clearly show in time.


Monday 21 May 2012

Zombie Like State

Hi guys

I've been meaning to update you all on how the jobs been going but I've been absolutely exhausted, I get up go to work come home then straight to bed it's been like that for the last couple of days hopefully I'll get used it and start blogging more.

So here's the skinny on what I've been doing, as a girl who has zero retail experience I had to be trained which was overwhelming you have no idea so much info on one day was just to much to take, then I had to memorize this huge book fill with all the products in the store what they're used for, the best way to use them etc. I felt like my brain was going to explode. 
I was a little dissapointed to hear that I'm working quite long hours and am worried that I might not have free time to organize some freelance jobs, seeing as I'm a part timer I feel that they might be taking advantage of me though I'm not to sure, for all I know this is how they always operate.

The job isn't that complicated, I was taught how to approach customers, how to handle debit cards, credit cards and cash, where the products are located etc. The two major downsides to the job are the long hours and all the standing it's pretty rough on the lower back, but if you can get over that then the jobs not difficult at all.

I apologize if this post doesn't make any sense I'm half asleep while typing this but I wanted to update you all on how everythings going. 
Side Note: I found a possible career option which I'm really excited about it doesn't mean that I'm leaving the art of makeup behind I'm just always thinking about the future, you never know where you're going to be or go so get skilled in many things just in case.

Sorry for another boring post I've been meaning to upload some more OOTD but I wear black most days and don't want to bore you with those.

Have a great week! Be strong, love, laugh be happy


Saturday 19 May 2012

First Day Jitters

Sheer Maxi Skirt DIY Leggings Target Blazer Vintage Belt Woolworths Boots Mr Price Ear Cuff Womens Street

Hi guys!

So I had my first day of work yesterday and was a ball of emotions, the job requires me to dress in all black which is the norm for girls and boys working at stores like MAC and Inglot. I'm not a full time employee but a casual or part time worker which fits perfectly for myself whose trying to be a freelance MUA. I still have mixed feelings about the job probably because it's a retail job and as a independent person like myself who schedules her own time the whole regulation of it all unnerves me a little, I've decided to work there for about six months to maybe a year as to have some credit under my belt and also to prevent myself from going insane.

Sometime you have to work at places you wouldn't really want to just to get to where you want to be.


Thursday 17 May 2012

Finally some Change At Last!

Hi guys!! 

I have some great news and had to share it with you all!
I got the job!! I am finally part of the Inglot family! After the whole interview process I hadn't heard from them in a couple of weeks and was feeling really discouraged. I said that I need to move forward if I want to be a freelance mua and just when I was starting to doubt whether I made the right career choice I got the call this morning. Phew! 

This is one of the many first steps to reaching my dream.

Never give up on your dreams no matter how insane it may be to the conventional world.


Wednesday 16 May 2012

Blast From The Past

Hi Guys!!

I found these photo's on my cell and thought I'd share, I feel that I'm still trying to find my own style something that is uniquely me and the proof of me trying to achieve that is apparent in the photo's above. Also I was remembering the time I used to flat iron my hair aah feels like ages ago, don't get my wrong I miss it but I have no future plans to flat iron my hair anytime soon but it's nice to reminisce every once on a while.

Have a great day!


Monday 14 May 2012

Do Wishes Come True?

Hi guys!

Here are some goodies from Romwe I'm dying to add to my wardrobe, they're officially on my wishlist hopefully I'll be able to purchase these lovelies soon. I'm currently obsessed with blouses in any form never thought I'd be into blouses but I really love them.

Have a great week!


Friday 11 May 2012

Always Remember Never Forget

Hi guys!

It feels like ages since I last updated, I don't know what's up with me lately I've been in a creative slump, or I don't know this really weird mood where I don't feel inspired to do anything, hopefully I'll get out of it soon.

Also after I had the polygraph done last week I haven't heard back from them and I'm starting to get discouraged but being the optimistic person that I'm trying to be I'm still hopeful that I'll hear from them soon and if not I'm ready to start on a new journey.

I've been posting how much I'm loving the natural curly look and really am getting into it, it's all new to me so trying to figure out how to style it is the aim of the game. If anyone is looking for inspiration on how to style curly hair have a look at pics of Rihanna.

Sorry this was such a boring post but I wanted to at least do a post to let you all know that I haven't forgotten you all and to update you a bit on my life. 

More creative posts to come!

Lots of Love

Wednesday 2 May 2012

Lips, Lies and K-On!

Blouse vintage Skinny jeans Edgars Heels Rage Necklace Sass Diva Bracelat Vintage Rings (Right to Left) Mr. Price Vintage

Howdee guys!

Here's an update on how the interviews have been going, I went through the third stage today and had to get polygraphed which was quite an experience for me. I'm usually hesitant to try new things at time but when I heard about having the polygraph done I was like "bring that shit on" it was fun but serious at the same time. The company just wanted to know if I was going to steal anything from them...basically they wanted to know if I was an honest person. I can tick that off my bucket list.

The white blouse I wore today I received from my mom a few days earlier I love it but the only downside is that it has a few stains, I'm thinking of dying it black..maybe, then I got another blouse in red from her today, I'm all about recycling clothes.

Side note I'm really enjoying K-On! It's seriously one of my favorite anime it has this really nostalgic feeling about it and I'm addicted to it once again.

Have a great week guys

