Thursday 31 January 2013

Eye Of The Leopard

Minny Mouse Top Jay Jays
Jeggings Mr. Price
Handbag Cotton On
Headband Lovisa
Sunglasses Spitfire

Hi Guys!

Hope you're having a great week

I have the day off today and wanted to treat myself by doing a little shopping so I went to my nearest China town to see what they had to offer and was pleasantly surprised when I saw these awesome leggings. What made me purchase them where the colours and hello did I mention the leopard print? I also treated myself to some under garments as well but didn't think they were appropriate to post and it'd be kinda creepy if I did.

Have a fantastic weekend guys!


Monday 28 January 2013


No Doubt T Gifted 
Shorts Vintage 
Sunglasses Spitfire  
Bracelet Lovisa
 Belt Vintage  
Creepers Amazon

Hi Guys!

Hope you had a fantastic weekend

As I'm trying really really hard to save money once in a while something awesome catches my eye and it's this gorgeous handbag from cotton on. It's a rip off of the Alexander Wang Rocco handbag and seeing as I can't afford the real deal the rip off it a definite must buy.

On a health note I must be seriously going through something because I've been on a sad steady diet of junk food and I don't feel guilty about it as all which is starting to bother me now health note over.

Have a great week!


Friday 18 January 2013

Tiny Little Things On My Mind

 Blouse Cotton-On 
Leggings Mr. Price
Sunglasses Spitfire
Heels Jeffery Campbell 
Bag Coach
Watch Sass Diva
Bracelets Lovisa

Hello Lovelies!

Its been forever since I last did a post the reason being is because it's been a long while since I had a day off. My once non existent accessory collection has slowly grown and has taken over a small portion of my dresser table and has also slowly consumed a small piece of my mind.

I visited this store called the lot and was shocked when I found pieces from the online store Motel Rocks hanging on their railings, but was disappointed at how much they were charging for the few items they had. I then realized that purchasing certain "must have items" cost a loss less when you find them online.

Sorry for the rambling

Have a great weekend!


Monday 7 January 2013

Peace Sign

No Doubt T - Gifted
Leggings - Vintage
Clutch - Cotton On
Sunglasses - Woolworths

Happy Monday!

Hope you guys had a great weekend.

I've been experimenting with how to style my creepers and found these awesome leggings hidden away like some kind of secret. The leggings are pretty old they're from my dancing days so I got them from a store where they sell clothing like that I don't really remember. I'm glad the items I chose work so well together.

The No Doubt T is freaking awesome right?


Friday 4 January 2013

Minnie Mouse. Prints. Triangles

Minnie Mouse T Jay-Jays Print Dress Mr. Price Accessories Lovisa + Sass Diva

Hi Guys!

I hope the new year is treating you all well.

The topic of new years resolutions came up and I was asked what mine was for the year, I said well I don't believe in it I have dreams and goals I'm trying to reach and will continue to do so until I reach my dreams. Having said that I think that in a way new year resolutions are small goals that you set out for yourself and could be life altering if you reach it.

I love the new year it 's a great time to do a little shopping because of all the sales. I picked up a few things and am glad to see my style gradually change and evolve over time I was a little worried that nothing would happen or that it'd get worse.

Thanks for reading


Wednesday 2 January 2013

What?! 2012's gone? But We Just Started To Get To Know Eachother


I hope you all had a blast greeting the new year in you own way. 

So I thought I'd do a look back at how my personal style has progressed over the year and I must say that it's really changed. I honestly cringe a bit when I look back at some of the photographs.

I sincerely hope that your 2013 will be filled with good times, laughter, reaching dreams, making the impossible possible and above all happiness.

I wish you all the best of luck for the year ahead 

2013 I'm ready for you!

P.s I wore those black leggings to death!

Lots and lots of L.O.V.E