Sunday 28 October 2012

Has The Day Finally Arrived?

Hi guys!

Yes as the title of the post says the day has finally arrived where I can finally purchase things online for the first time! I'm really excited and nervous at the same time but it's something I've wanted to do for a very long time.

So here are a few shoes I'm thinking about purchasing

I've been wanting these shoes for a long time but now that I can get them I don't know which to choose damn!

Will keep you guys updated

Have a great day


Monday 22 October 2012

Girl On The Move

Hi Guys!

So I've been on the hunt for the past couple of days, it's been surprisingly tough I don't know why but eventually I have everything I've been looking for but I'm strangely not very happy about it, lately I've been feeling strange maybe it's because there's a strong feeling of change in the air, I don't know what it is but I don't feel like myself and I hate it.

Okay enough of that! So I'm at peace with myself for completing the task I set myself, getting done what I needed to do when something suddenly dawned on me...Christmas! Eek! I foresee myself being really broke at the end of the year.

My birthday is in November which is always exciting and I'm thinking of doing something special so I'll keep you guys updated on that.

If you read all my rambling Thank You!

Have a fantabulous week guys


Saturday 20 October 2012


Hi Guys!

So I did a bit of shopping yesterday there are lots of gifts that need to be bought, and here I thought I'd be saving my money this naive of me. Couldn't resist purchasing these when I saw them then when I went to pay for them found out that they were on sale, I love when that happens. 

Anyway I'm off to work even though it's supposed to be my day off..sigh

Have a great weekend 
Enjoy it for meeeeee!


Thursday 18 October 2012

Nip Slip

Image Courtesy Of Tumblr

Hi Guys!

Sorry of my lack of words in my previous post but I can honestlysay that my mind went black and I'm not to sure why. So Hopefully this post will make up for the last one.

Okay so I've been playing with this idea for a while now but being the indecisive person that I am I always change my mind at the last minute. As you can clearly see in the photo above I've been thinking about getting a piercing. I've had my tongue pierced before and after having it for a couple of years I took it, now I'm itching to get another piercing but I'm not to sure where yet. I mean nipple piercings do look awesome but I'm not sure if I'll have that area pierced ugh! Why do I keep changing my mind all the time!! 

Anyway there are tons of places to pierce but finding the right place is hard.

I'll keep you guys posted if I do get anything pierced in the near future.

Have a great day


I Don't Know What To Say

Blazer Cotton On T-Shirt Mr. Price Legging Target Ankle Boots Shoe HQ Handbag Coach Piano Necklace Woman's Street Ring Lovisa Bracelet Sass Diva Watch Sass Diva Glasses Woman's Street

Friday 12 October 2012

She Did It Again

Hi Guys!

Another OOTD before I go to work hope you like it!

Have a fantastic weekend!


Wednesday 10 October 2012

Get Out Of My Face!


Hi Guys!

I picked up a few things for my face today as it needs some serious attention now most of these prodicts I keep coming back to because I know that they work, the only new thing is the clay mask which I'm really excited to try out. I don't need to tell you more about the products as you can read about them in the photo's above.

Have a fantastic day!


Tuesday 9 October 2012

Yeah I'm Listening To 'Nsync Right Now!

Shoes Converse Shorts Crysern Belt Woolworths Top China Town Blazer Cotton On Necklace Sass Diva Sunglasses Woolworths Bag Cotton On

Hi Guys!
Personal News Update!

It's nothing major, the position I currently have at work has been raised a level which means more responsibilities and more hours, which I think I really need in my life. I'm usually one that runs at the slightest hint of responsibility and routine but I think we all need to change at some point right?

Have a great day ^.^


Friday 5 October 2012

Is She Going To Be Late?!

Shoes Legit Leggings Target Top Cotton On Necklace Sass Diva Bag Cotton On Watch Game Sunglasses Woolworths Blazer China Town

Hi Guys!

I wanted to post a quick OOTD before I go work.

I don't know where I find the time to do this?

Have a fantastic Friday!


Wednesday 3 October 2012

Your Purity Is Almost Blinding

Hi guys!

I have no idea what's wrong with me lately, you know every girl has that time where she just doesn't feel...pretty, well that is me all over right and looking at gorgeous girls on tumblr isn't helping, why do I do these things to myself?  I hope it goes away soon.

Beside all that crap I've been slowly getting my sunglasses collection going before Summer hits, here are a few pairs I hope to purchase soon.

Pictures found via Tumblr

Have a great day dolls!


Monday 1 October 2012

What? You bought Some Stuff?

Hi guys!

I'm always finding new and fun ways to spice up new posts and decided to film a short video of what I bought over the weekend so that you can see what they look like on a person, instead of photo's which I usually do (and did anyway). I modified the size of the video hence the quality ain't so great sorry about that. I love shopping at the end of the month, stores usually have sales and there's nothing a girl loves more than sales. One of my favourite stores Cotton On was still having a sale so I went back and got a few awesome goodies which I'm very pleased with. Popped into Sass Diva and got this 80's style chunky necklace which is pretty heavy. Then I went to Woolworths again in hopes of finding comfortable work shoes but found nothing to my liking but did see these awesome sunglasses which when I tried them on made me think of CL from 2ne1, you have no idea how cool I thought I looked (which probably didn't look so cool to passing bystanders). I also visited Legit and instantly fell in love with these Unif inspired spiked loafers and had to get them I'm lucky I found them in my size.

Loves, try and be grateful for everything you own and everyone you love it keeps you humble, grounded and helps you appreciate anything good that happens in your life.

Have a great week!
