Friday 31 May 2013

Gonna Get Head Sprung

Hi guys!

Hope the week's been okay

I thought i'd show you guys my favourite head pieces/ accessories that I 
wear to death. What I love about them is that it goes with everything I wear
which is a bonus. I've always wanted to wear flower crowns but was to afraid
to go out in public and over time i just got over that feeling and now I wear
them whenever I have the chance, though I do get stares and snide remarks every now and again but if I ever took what people said to me I'd be a seriously messed up person by now and I'm sure that the same applies to you guys as well.

As my personal style continues to evolve who knows what head pieces I'm going to be in love with in the future.

Have a great weekend guys!


Sunday 26 May 2013

Work Work Work Work Working On My Shit

Leggings Woolworths
Army Print Shirt Mr.Price
T-shirt Gifted 
Boots Mr.Price
Accessories Sass Diva
Beanie Accessorize

Hi Guys!

I made a prediction for 2013 and it was that it's going to be a year full of surprises. Ans ever since I've made that stupid prediction it's been one surprise after another which makes life interesting, BUT for other people and not myself which is making me feel like something is missing in my life is.

I think I need some food for my soul where and how I'm going to get that "food" is a total mystery for now.

Enough of my crazy lady ramblings and have a great weekend


Monday 13 May 2013

The Big Black Coat

Blouse Cotton On
Army Print Jacket Mr. Price
Leggings China Town
Flower Crown By Mom

Hi Guys

I don't know if it's just me but whenever the season changes it always takes me awhile to adjust and to dress appropriately for the current season, and just when my style is all season appropriate the season ends and the new one begins then once again I need to adjust it's a vicious cycle that I can't seem to stop.

What I loving doing and have never done before is layering certain pieces together. What I used to do in the past was when I'd go out and it'd be chilly outside was take this huge coat I own with me everywhere. So when I'd reach my destination I'd end up having to carry this huge coat the entire night leaving me annoyed, and a little stiff (my arm would be from holding it). I swear that was me during every A\W for a few years with the same coat!

What is the moral of the story?
That people change, your style changes and sometimes it takes a huge coat to make you realize it.

Have a great week lovelies!


Thursday 9 May 2013

I'm Emotional OKAY!

Leather Jacket Gifted
Jersey Mr. Price
Blouse Cotton On
Leggings Mr.Price
Creepers Amazon
Rings Lovisa
Nail Varnish Inglot

Hi Guys

I have been having the strangest week of my life, well I've had stranger but I think it's more emotionally strange. Its got to do with my job, my family and friends and I have this strange feeling of guilt and the fear of disappointing anyone scares the crap out of me, I don't know how I'm going to cope. But after a talk with this amazing girl I snapped out of it and realized that it's my life and I need to do whatever it takes to be happy and that's the plan. So expect some changes in my blog sometime soon. I'm scared of what the future might hold but excited at the same time.

Have a fantabulastic week


Friday 3 May 2013

Got My Hands Dirty And Loved It

 This is where some of the clothes came from, there clothes are ridiculously expensive.

 Leave it to me to take one pic of the model and she's pulling a weird face, trust me beyond this funny face is a beauty!

 My work station for the day.

My office for the day

Hi guys!

So here's a tiny update on my personal life, yesterday I did a small shoot at the Cape Quarter with this
beautiful model from L.A, she was really down to earth which made me act a little bit like that creepy chick who says something like wanting to stalk her, I don't know why I say things like that sometimes.
I also assisted the photographer with the lighting here it was really cold and windy but it's all part of the job doesn't make me love it any less.

Unfortunately I could take my new camera with me so I could only take a few pics with my phone.

Have a great weekend guys!
