Saturday 28 April 2012

Week Old Bread

 Hi guys

It's been a while hasn't it? The reason I haven't been posting and I'm going to be really honest is that I've been really lazy there I said it!

I meant to post these pics last week but never got round to doing it, anyway on the 18th this month I went for an interview hence the formal attire. It went well and I was contacted for the second stage, I was asked to wear all black and was shocked to find that I don't own a single pair of black shoes (I know, I know) so I went with grey instead. The whole "job interview" thing sucks I hate doing it to be honest but we all have to do things we don't necessarily like in order to get where we need to be. 

Saturday rolled around and I really needed to get my sis a birthday present, being the good sister that I am, I had already looked for things I hope she'd like and found something I know she would love and get some use out of, so I quickly popped into the store to purchase it. I was right on the money she really loves it yay!

Monday I went to a family dinner since it was my sisters birthday, had a beef burger which made me feel really good and shitty at the same time, didn't take any photo's sorry.

Enjoy the rest of the week guys.
