Sunday 25 August 2013


Beanie Cotton On
Jersey Gifted
Mini Skirt Mr. Price
Sandals Mr. Price
Necklace 4 Blue Bells
Watch Sass Diva
Sunglasses Spitfire

Hi guys 

It's been a while I know but sometimes life just grabs a hold of you and says you need to get some shit done. That's what I've been doing which brings on my announcement and it's that I got a job at MAC Cosmetics!!!!! *giggles like a school girl* I have never felt so genuinely happy in a very long time. I start sometime next month so I'm going to try and blog like crazy before my start date because you know how it is when you start a new job there's so much you need to learn and get used to. I'll keep you guys updated on how the jobs going also I'll do a longer post about the interview process what I wore and how I felt the etc.

Guys getting the phone call to tell you that you got the job to a place you've dreamt about working at was the best feeling in the entire universe. I want everyone to have that feeling at least once in their lives it's amazing, so never stop guys keep going all the blood sweat and tears isn't for nothing and most importantly be grateful for everything if you do wonderful things might happen.

This isn't the end for me just because I dreamt about working there doesn't mean that it's my only goal in life, I have bigger, grander plans for myself and this is just the first step.

Life is exciting isn't it?

Have a great day


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